14.6. Functions

Now that we have covered the main structures used by modules, we can detail the functions available to use and manipulate those structures.

14.6.1. Pool Functions

ap_make_sub_poolcreate a subpool
pool *ap_make_sub_pool(pool *p)

Creates a subpool within a pool. The subpool is destroyed automatically when the pool p is destroyed, but can also be destroyed earlier with destroy_pool or cleared with clear_pool. Returns the new pool.

ap_clear_poolclear a pool without destroying it
void ap_clear_pool(pool *p)

Clears a pool, destroying all its subpools with destroy_pool and running cleanups. This leaves the pool itself empty but intact, and therefore available for reuse.

ap_destroy_pooldestroy a pool and all its contents
void ap_destroy_pool(pool *p)

Destroys a pool, running cleanup methods for the contents and also destroying all subpools. The subpools are destroyed before the pool's cleanups are run.

ap_bytes_in_poolreport the size of a pool
long ap_bytes_in_pool(pool *p)

Returns the number of bytes currently allocated to a pool.

ap_bytes_in_free_blocksreport the total size of free blocks in the pool system
long ap_bytes_in_free_blocks(void)

Returns the number of bytes currently in free blocks for all pools.

ap_pallocallocate memory within a pool
void *ap_palloc(pool *p, int size)

Allocates memory of at least size bytes. The memory is destroyed when the pool is destroyed. Returns a pointer to the new block of memory.

ap_pcallocallocate and clear memory within a pool
void *ap_pcalloc(pool ...

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