NameVirtual host

NameVirtualHost allows you to specify the IP addresses of your name-based virtual hosts.

NameVirtualHost address[:port]
Server config

Optionally, you can add a port number. The IP address has to match with the IP address at the top of a <VirtualHost> block, which must include a ServerName directive followed by the registered name. The effect is that when Apache receives a request addressed to a named host, it scans the <VirtualHost> blocks having the same IP number that was declared with a NameVirtualHost directive to find one that includes the requested ServerName. Conversely, if you have not used NameVirtualHost, Apache looks for a <VirtualHost> block with the correct IP address and uses the ServerName in the reply. This prevents people from getting to hosts blocked by the firewall by using the IP of an open host and the name of a blocked one.

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