How to do it...

  1.  We will use the movie rating data for the SVD analysis. The movieLens 1M dataset contains around 1 million records which consist of anonymous ratings of around 3,900 movies made by 6,000 movieLens users.

The dataset contains the following files:

  • ratings.dat: Contains the user ID, movie ID, ratings, and timestamp
  • movies.dat: Contains the movie ID, titles, and genres
  • users.dat: Contains the user ID, genders, ages, occupations, and zip code
  1. We will use the ratings.dat for our SVD analysis. Sample data for the ratings.dat looks like the following:
1::1193::5::9783007601::661::3::9783021091::914::3::9783019681::3408::4::9783002751::2355::5::978824291 ...

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