How it works....

We skip the data ingestion and parsing since it is similar to previous recipes, but what is different is how we set up the parameters, especially the use of "classification" as a parameter that we pass into BoostingStrategy.defaultParams():

val algo = "Classification" val numIterations = 3 val numClasses = 2 val maxDepth = 5 val maxBins = 32 val categoricalFeatureInfo = Map[Int,Int]()   val boostingStrategy = BoostingStrategy.defaultParams(algo)

We also use the evaluate() function to evaluate the parameters by looking at impurity and the confusion matrix:

evaluate(trainingData, testData, boostingStrategy)
Confusion Matrix :124.0 2.02.0 64.0Model Accuracy: 0.9791666666666666Model Error: 0.02083333333333337

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