Indexing documents using JSON

In the previous section, we saw how we can add, update, and delete documents using XML. In this section, we'll see how we can perform the same operations using JSON data types.

We can send the JSON-formatted update request using Solr's update handler, by setting Content-type: application/json or text/json. There are three basic types of JSON documents that can be sent to Solr. They are:

  • A single document
  • A list of documents—an array of documents
  • A sequence of updated documents—a map type object that contains multiple commands

Adding a single document

We can add a single JSON document to Solr by posting the data to the /update/json/docs handler path. The following is an example of indexing JSON data in Solr:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/musicCatalog/update/json/docs' ...

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