Hive 2 action

Oozie also has Hive 2 action, where we can use Hive Server 2 and execute our Hive queries. Hive 2 action uses Beeline to execute queries via the Hive Server 2.

Here's the general command to talk to the Beeline server:

beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000 username password org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver


To know more about how Beeline and Hive Server 2 work, check out the Cloudera website blog post at

The general schema for Hive action is as follows:

<action> <job-tracker> // Job tracker details <name-node> // Name node details <prepare> // Create or Delete directory <job-xml> // Any job xml properties <configuration> // Hadoop job configuration ...

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