Installing Pax modules in Apache Karaf

To start with Http Service, you will need to install one of the features mentioned earlier. This recipe will guide you through the installation of the different extensions of Pax Web and how it works.

How to do it…

To install the basic Http Service, start your Apache Karaf server and install the Http Service feature via the console using the following command:

karaf@root()> feature:install http

How it works…

After installing this feature, list the bundles with an la command. This will show you the following additional bundles to your Karaf instance:

78 | Active   |  30 | 2.2.0           | Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Activation API 1.4
79 | Active   |  30 | 1.0            | Servlet 3.0
80 | Active | 30 | 1.4.4 | JavaMail API (compat) ...

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