INNER JOIN or JOIN returns rows meeting the join conditions from both sides of joined tables. The JOIN keyword can also be omitted by comma-separated table names; this is called an implicit join. Here are examples of the HQL JOIN operation:

  1. First, prepare a table to join with and load data to it:
      > CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee_hr (      > name string,      > employee_id int,      > sin_number string,      > start_date date      > )      > ROW FORMAT DELIMITED      > FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|';      No rows affected (1.732 seconds)            > LOAD DATA INPATH '/tmp/hivedemo/data/employee_hr.txt'      > OVERWRITE INTO TABLE employee_hr;      No rows affected (0.635 seconds)
  1. Perform an INNER JOIN between two tables with equal and unequal join conditions, along with complex expressions ...

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