

Aardwolf, 145

about:app-manager, Firefox, 206

Accelerometer API, 259260, 335337

clearWatch method, 335

getCurrentAcceleration method, 335337

watchAcceleration method, 335, 337

access property, config.xml, 132, 134

ACTION_GET_CARRIER_NAME constant, CarrierPlugin, 416

ACTION_GET_COUNTRY_CODE constant, CarrierPlugin, 416

Active Scheme button, Xcode in iOS, 225

ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Helper, 206

Add Packaged App item, Firefox OS simulator, 207208


adding to applications, 4647

Cordova events, 333

Cordova initialization, 30, 32, 34

debugging with, 137

generated web application files, 43

InAppBrowser, 363, 365366

monitoring events, 333

working with Cordova APIs, 35, 37

Additional Tools window, Windows Phone emulator, ...

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