


Compiles a set of NetRexx files. NetRexx is a “human-oriented” programming language that aims to be simpler than Java, yet produces Java bytecode and interacts seamlessly with Java classes. It is freely available at


binary (all, boolean, N)

If true, treat literals as the binary rather than NetRexx types. Defaults to false.

classpath (all, String, N)

The classpath used for compilation.

comments (all, boolean, N)

The NetRexx compiler generates Java source code. When this flag is true, NetRexx comments are carried through to the generated Java code. Defaults to false.

compact (all, boolean, N)

If true, display compact (rather than verbose) error messages. Defaults to false.

compile (all, boolean, N)

If true, compile the generated Java code. Defaults to true.

console (all, boolean, N)

If true, write messages to the console. Defaults to false.

crossref (all, boolean, N)

If true, generate variable cross references. Defaults to false.

decimal (all, boolean, N)

If true, use decimal arithmetic in the NetRexx code. Defaults to true.

defaultexcludes (all, boolean, N)

Determines whether to use default excludes. Defaults to true.

destdir (all, File, Y)

The directory to which NetRexx source files are copied before they are compiled.

diag (all, boolean, N)

If true, generate diagnostic information about the compile. Defaults to false.

excludes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to exclude.

excludesfile (all, File, N) ...

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