


Executes the WebGain Quality Analyzer on a set of Java files, reporting on code complexity and other metrics. See the maudit task for background information on the WebGain Quality Analyzer, formerly known as Metamata Quality Analyzer.


granularity (1.4, String, Y)

Specifies the metrics granularity. Legal values are files, types, and methods.

maxmemory (1.4, String, N)

The maximum memory available to the JVM.

metamatahome (1.4, File, Y)

The directory containing the WebGain Quality Analyzer distribution.

tofile (1.4, File, Y)

The destination XML file for the metrics report.


0,1 nested <classpath> elements (1.4)

The path element specifying the classpath.

0..n nested <fileset> elements (1.4)

The fileset elements specifying source files to analyze.

0..n nested <jvmarg> elements (1.4)

The command-line JVM arguments as described in Chapter 4.

0,1 nested <path> elements (1.4)

The path element specifying directories scanned for source code.

0,1 nested <sourcepath> elements (1.4)

The path element overriding the SOURCEPATH environment variable.

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