


Executes the WebGain Quality Analyzer to analyze Java source code for programming errors. This task is based on Metamata Audit, which was purchased by WebGain in October 2000. On January 3, 2002, WebGain Quality Analyzer was integrated into WebGain Studio, and is no longer offered as a standalone product. For more information, refer to


fix (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, automatically fix certain types of errors. Defaults to false.

list (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, create a .maudit listing file for each audited file. Defaults to false.

maxmemory (1.4, String, N)

The maximum memory for the JVM.

metamatahome (1.4, File, Y)

The directory containing the Metamata distribution.

tofile (1.4, File, Y)

The destination XML file for the audit report.

unused (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, find unused declarations in search paths. Used with the <searchpath> nested element. Defaults to false.


0,1 nested <classpath> elements (1.4)

The path element specifying the classpath.

0,1 nested <fileset> elements (1.4)

The fileset element specifying where .java files are found.

0..n nested <jvmarg> elements (1.4)

The command-line arguments as described in Chapter 4. Valid only when fork=true.

0,1 nested <searchpath> elements (1.4)

The path element specifying where to look for unused global declarations. This is required when unused=true. The task issues a warning when a <searchpath> is specified but unused=false.

0,1 nested <sourcepath> elements (1.4)

The path element overriding ...

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