


Performs XSLT transformations. XSLT stylesheets define how XSLT processors transform XML into other text formats.


basedir (all, File, N)

Specifies where to find the XML files to transform. Defaults to the project’s base directory.

classpath (1.4, Path, N)

The classpath to use when looking up the XSLT processor.

classpathref (1.4, Reference, N)

A reference to a classpath defined elsewhere in the buildfile.

defaultexcludes (all, boolean, N)

Determines whether to use default excludes, as described in Chapter 4 under “FileSet DataType.” Defaults to true.

destdir (all, File, *)

Specifies where transformation results are stored.

excludes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to exclude. These are in addition to the default excludes.

excludesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one exclude pattern per line.

extension (all, String, N)

The default file extension used for transformation results. Defaults to .html.

force (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, create target files even if they are newer than their source XML or XSLT files. The default is false.

in (1.3, 1.4, File, N)

Specifies a single XML file for transformation. Used in conjunction with the out attribute.

includes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to include.

includesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one include pattern per line.

out (1.3, 1.4, File, N)

Specifies the filename for the transformation result. Used in conjunction with the in attribute.

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