


Creates a JAR file from one or more source files and directories.


basedir (all, File, N)

Specifies the base directory containing files to be added to the JAR file.

compress (all, boolean, N)

If true, compress the JAR file. Defaults to true.

defaultexcludes (all, boolean, N)

Determines whether to use default excludes, as described in Chapter 4 under “FileSet DataType.” Defaults to true.

encoding (1.4, String,N)

Specifies the character encoding for filenames inside the JAR file. Defaults to UTF-8. The Ant specification warns that changing this attribute probably renders the JAR file unusable by Java.

excludes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to exclude. These are in addition to the default excludes.

excludesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one exclude pattern per line.

filesonly (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, do not create empty directories. Defaults to false.

includes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to include.

includesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one include pattern per line.

jarfile (all, File, Y)

The name of the JAR file to create.

manifest (all, File, N)

The name of an existing manifest file to place in the JAR file. If not specified, Ant generates a new manifest file containing the version of Ant used.

update (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, update the existing JAR file when changes are made, rather than erasing and creating it from scratch. Defaults to false.

whenempty (all, Enum, N) ...

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