


Defines token filters. These are used to perform text substitution, known as token filtering, when copying files. In Ant 1.2 and 1.3, tokens are always of the form @ token @. Ant 1.4 adds the ability to use a character other than @ with the <filterset> element. Filters should not be used with binary files.

The <filter> element can appear inside of targets, or as a nested element in various tasks that copy files.


filtersfile (all, File, *)

A file containing token/value pairs, formatted as a Java properties file.

token (all, String, *)

The text to replace in the source file, not including the @ characters.

value (all, String, *)

The text to substitute in place of @ token @. The @ characters are not preserved.

You must specify either the filtersfile attribute, or both token and value.



Example Usage

Let’s start with the following source file:

                  // %COPYRIGHT!
 * @version @VERSION@
public class Hello {

We want to replace %COPYRIGHT! with a copyright notice, and @VERSION@ with the correct version number. Here is a target within a buildfile that does this:

<target name="tokenFilterDemo" depends="prepare">
  <filter token="VERSION" value="1.0"/>
  <copy todir="build" filtering="true">
    <!-- select files to copy -->
    <fileset dir="src">
      <include name="**/*.java"/>
    <filterset begintoken="%" endtoken="!">
                        <filter token="COPYRIGHT" 
                                value="Copyright (C) 2002 O'Reilly"/>

The first <filter> element takes care of replacing ...

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