


Checks out files from StarTeam, a commercial product from This task is only available to licensed users of StarTeam, and starteam-sdk.jar must be on the classpath.


excludes (all, String, N)

A space-delimited list of files to exclude from the checkout. Takes precedence over includes.

foldername (all, String, N)

The subfolder in the project from which to check out files.

force (all, boolean, N)

If true, overwrite existing folders. Defaults to false.

includes (all, String, N)

Space-delimited list of files to include in the checkout.

password (all, String, Y)

The password to log in with.

projectname (all, String, Y)

The StarTeam project name.

recursion (all, boolean, N)

If true, include subfolders when checking out. Defaults to true.

servername (all, String, Y)

The StarTeam server name.

serverport (all, String, Y)

The server port number.

targetfolder (all, String, Y)

The directory to check files out to.

username (all, String, Y)

The username to log in with.

verbose (all, boolean, N)

If true, operate in verbose mode. Defaults to false.

viewname (all, String, Y)

The StarTeam view name.



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