Buildfile Outline

Shown next is a generic buildfile good for using as a template. A buildfile consists of the <project> element with its nested <target>, <property>, and <path> elements.

<project default="all">
  <property name="" value="a value"/>
  <property name="" value="b value"/>

  <path id="a.path">
    <pathelement location="${java.home}/jre/lib/rt.jar"/>

  <target name="all">
    <javac srcdir=".">
      <classpath refid="a.path"/>

Some notes about buildfiles to remember:

  • All buildfiles require the <project> element and at least one <target> element.

  • There is no default value for the <project> element’s default attribute.

  • Buildfiles do not have to be named build.xml. However, build.xml is the default name for which Ant searches.

  • You can have only one <project> element per buildfile.

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