Forking Processes

Q: We need to run a Java utility on some of our files during the build. When some errors happen in this utility, we’ve noticed that the build just dies. We get no success or fail messages, and the log just abruptly ends. I think it may have something to do with the System.exit( ) issue mentioned in Chapter 5, but we still don’t know how to fix it. What do we do?

Ah yes, the System.exit( ) problem. To recap, the problem is the result of developers’ misuse of the System.exit( ) call in their code. The System.exit( ) call speaks directly to the JVM, causing it to die immediately. Since a Java program running from Ant is running in Ant’s JVM, any calls to System.exit( ) will kill Ant’s JVM. This is bad. Lucky for you, the java task has an attribute called fork.

<java classname="org.oreilly.SpecialTool" fork="yes"/>

The fork attribute on the java task gives you the ability to avoid this problem. The attribute tells the java task to run the class in a separate JVM. Being in a separate JVM means the program’s System.exit( ) call can’t kill Ant’s JVM. While this keeps your build from breaking unexpectedly, the problem isn’t completely solved. The second JVM is still dying and the Java program is dying without warning. It’s still in your best interest to try to solve the root problem and get rid of the System.exit( ) call, if possible.

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