
One of the more useful tasks, specifically when developing your build file, is the <echoproperties> optional task. This enables you to dump all the properties that are presently available to you to the screen or file at the point you make a call to the task. Using a simple call:

<echoproperties prefix="ant"/> 

will produce the following output:

 C:\antbook\antbook_chapter5>ant echo-examples Buildfile: build.xml echo-examples: [echoproperties] #Ant properties [echoproperties] #Mon May 20 23:27:34 BST 2002 [echoproperties] ant.file=C\:\\antbook\\antbook_chapter5\\build.xml [echoproperties] ant.project.name=antbook [echoproperties] ant.java.version=1.3 [echoproperties] ant.home=c\:\\alanwilliamson\\ant1_5 [echoproperties] ant.version=Apache ...

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