<Unjar>, <Untar>, <Unwar>, <Unzip>

These four tasks enable you to extract files from a JAR, tar, WAR, and Zip file, respectively. They share the same attributes as described in Table 4.83.

In all cases, file permission are not restored on extracted files.

Note that the <untar> task recognizes the long pathname entries used by GNU tar.

Table 4.83. Table of <unjar>/<untar>/<unwar>/<unzip> Attributes
Attributes Description
src The name of the archive to be expanded.
dest The name of the directory to which to extract the archive.
compression (<untar> only) Specifies the compression to use. Valid values are none, gzip, and bzip2. Defaults to none.
overwrite If true, files in the destination directory will be overwritten even if ...

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