
Normally used within an init target, the <tstamp> task is used to make a set of timestamp properties available within the build file. By using <tstamp>, the dstamp, tstamp, and today properties will be set. dstamp is in the format yyyymmdd, tstamp is in the format hhmm, and today is in the format month day year.

The <tstamp> task also can be used in the naming of files, or for reporting the time and date of an event.

<tstamp> supports one optional attribute, as listed in Table 4.80.

Table 4.80. Table of <tstamp> Attributes
Attributes (Optional) Description
Prefix Specifies a prefix for the properties set.

Nested Elements

<format> elements that allow you to set a property to a particular date and time in a specified format can be nested ...

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