

absolute paths, 147

action, 35

action safe guides, 2–5, 328

Actions panel, 12, 13

ActionScript, 313–318. See also code; scripts

adding animation with, 313–318

adding to Flash files, 12–13

advantages of, 130–131, 313

basics, 12–13, 134–141

case sensitivity, 149

classes. See classes

code coloring, 138

considerations, 129, 132

creating new document, 142

keywords, 137–138

navigating to frame labels, 6

navigating to scenes, 10

objects in, 134

operators, 138–141

planning phase, 131–133

resources, 129, 142, 224

saving documents, 142, 143

settings, 147

statements, 137–138

typing, 152–153

versions, 12

vs. JSFL, 228

vs. Timeline, 130–131, 313

ActionScript mask, 240

ActionScript-to-JSFL interactions, 259–267

addChild method, 300

addNewPrimitiveRectangle ...

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