Creating task definition

With a container target defined in our repository, we can define a task definition, which contains the necessary metadata to run our container, such as port mappings, reserved CPU, and memory allocations:

  1. Navigate to Elastic Container Service
  2. Click on Task Definitions | Create new Task Definition
  3. Select Fargate launch type compatibility
  4. Enter Task Definition Name as lemon-mart-task
  5. Select Task role none (you can add one later to enable access other AWS services)
  6. Enter Task Size 0.5 GB
  7. Enter Task CPU 0.25 CPU
  8. Click on Add Container:
    1. Enter Container name as lemon-mart
    2. For Image, paste the image repo URI from earlier, but append the :latest tag to it so that it always pulls the latest image in the repository, such ...

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