Optimizing instance

In an earlier example, I demonstrated the use of my duluca/minimal-node-web-server Docker image to host our Angular apps. Even though Node.js is a very lightweight server, it is simply not optimized to just be a web server. In addition, Node.js has single-threaded execution environment, making it a poor choice for serving static content to many concurrent users at once.

You can observe the resource that a Docker image is utilizing by executing docker stats:

$ docker statsCONTAINER ID  CPU %  MEM USAGE / LIMIT    MEM %  NET I/O         BLOCK I/O  PIDS27d431e289c9  0.00%  1.797MiB / 1.952GiB  0.09%  13.7kB / 285kB  0B / 0B       2

Here are comparative results of the system resources that a Node and NGINX-based servers utilize at rest:


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