Type ahead support

In buildUserForm, we set a listener on address.state to support a type ahead filtering drop-down experience:

src/app/user/profile/profile.component.ts...this.states = this.userForm  .get('address')  .get('state')  .valueChanges.pipe(startWith(''), map(value => USStateFilter(value)))...

On the template, implement mat-autocomplete bound to the filtered states array with an async pipe:

src/app/user/profile/profile.component.html...<mat-form-field fxFlex="30%">  <input type="text" placeholder="State" aria-label="State" matInput formControlName="state" [matAutocomplete]="stateAuto">  <mat-autocomplete #stateAuto="matAutocomplete">    <mat-option *ngFor="let state of states | async" [value]="state.name">      {{ state.name }} </mat-option> ...

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