

3D objects, drawing, 325

coloring vertices, 326

complex objects, 327-328

lighting scenes, 329-330

texturing objects, 331-332

vertices, 325-326


accessibility features, 150-151


images on devices, 66-67

Internet, 170

handling network operations asynchronously, 174-179

HttpURLConnection, 171-172

parsing XML from the network, 172-174

reading data from the web, 170-171

retrieving Android network status, 179-180

secondary logs, LogCat, 455

accessories, USB, 268

Accessory Development Kit (ADK), 149-150

Account Manager, 405-406

synchronizing data with sync adapters, 406-407


creating Google accounts for analytics, 429-430

managing with Account Manager, 405-406

acquiring references to sensors, 256

acting as content type ...

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