

# (hash symbols), 151

(...) (ellipsis), 174


above attribute, 213

AbsoluteLayout class, 214

abstracted LCD density, 407

accelerometer support, 406


Booleans, 150

browser information, 289-290

calendar data, 291

call logs, 288-289

colors, 151

contacts, 292

content providers, 286

device settings, 292

dictionary, 291

dimensions, 153

directories, 105

drawables, 154

external storage, 284

files, 105, 278

images, 155

integers, 150

layouts, 166

media, 286-288

menus, 159

nine-patch stretchable graphics, 155

preferences, 105, 267-268

raw files, 161

resources, 142

screen information, 304

strings, 147-148

tweened animations, 158

voicemail, 291

XML files, 160


application navigation, 115-116

avoiding killing, 109-110

callbacks, ...

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