

abortAnimation(), 370

AbsListView class, 284

AbsoluteLayout, 62

AbsoluteSizeSpan, 295

AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator class, 239

AccelerateInterpolator class, 239

accessible vocabulary, 182

action bar. see app bar

ActionBarCompat library, 70

activity transitions, 255259

Adapter class, 6061

AdapterViewAnimator, 62

AdapterView class, 57

interfaces for, 61

AdapterViewFlipper, 62

add, PorterDuff image compositing mode, 322

Adobe Illustrator, 118, 168169

AlignmentSpan.Standard, 295

alpha, View class attribute, 28

Amazon Appstore, 401

ambient light, 171

AnalogClock, 4546

Android Asset Studio, 390395

Android design website, 13

android:state_activated, 89

android:state_checkable, 89

android:state_checked, 89

android:state_enabled, 89

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