Localizing the Where it's snap app

The final and complete code for Where it's snap can be found in the Chapter 27/Where Its Snap folder.

Simply add a folder for any languages that you want to add to the app. To add Spanish, right-click on the res folder and navigate to New | Android resource directory. Name it values-es. Now, right-click on the folder that we just created and navigate to New | Android resource file. Name it strings.xml, and copy and paste the following code into it:

<resources> <string name="app_name">Donde Es Snap!</string> <string name="action_settings">Ajustes</string> <string name="drawer_open">Abra</string> <string name="drawer_close">Cerca</string> <string name="enter_photo_title">Ingrese título de la foto</string> <string ...

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