Time for action – loading a PNG image

Now that libpng is compiled, let's read a real PNG file with it:

  1. Edit jni/GraphicsManager.hpp and include the Resource header file.

    Create a new structure named TextureProperties containing:

    • A resource representing the texture asset
    • An OpenGL texture identifier (which is a kind of handle)
    • A width and a height
      #include "Resource.hpp"
      #include "Types.hpp"
      struct TextureProperties {
          Resource* textureResource;
          GLuint texture;
          int32_t width;
          int32_t height;
  2. Append a method loadTexture() to the GraphicsManager to read a PNG and load it into an OpenGL texture.

    Textures are saved in an mTextures array to cache and finalize them.

    ... class GraphicsManager { public: ... status start(); void stop(); status update(); ...

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