Time for action – animating graphics with a timer

Let's animate the game.

  1. Create jni/TimeManager.hpp with the time.h manager and define the following methods:
    • reset() to initialize the manager.
    • update() to measure game step duration.
    • elapsed() and elapsedTotal() to get game step duration and game duration. They are going to allow the adaptation of the application behavior to the device speed.
    • now() is a utility method to recompute the current time.

    Define the following member variables:

    • mFirstTime and mLastTime to save a time checkpoint in order to compute elapsed() and elapsedTotal()
    • mElapsed and mElapsedTotal to save computed time measures
      #ifndef _PACKT_TIMEMANAGER_HPP_ #define _PACKT_TIMEMANAGER_HPP_ #include "Types.hpp" #include <ctime> class TimeManager ...

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