Time for action – analyzing a native crash dump

Let's make our application crash to see how to read a crash dump:

  1. Simulate a fatal bug in jni/com_packtpub_store_Store.cpp:
    #include "com_packtpub_store_Store.h"
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_packtpub_store_Store_getCount
      (JNIEnv* pEnv, jobject pObject) {
        pEnv = 0;
        return pEnv->CallIntMethod(0, 0);
  2. Open the LogCat view in Eclipse, select the All Messages (no filter) option, and then run the application. A crash dump appears in the logs. This is not pretty! If you look carefully through it, you should find a backtrace section with a snapshot of the call-stack at the moment the application crashed. However, it does not give the line of code involved:
  3. From a command-line prompt, go to the project ...

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