Chapter 3

Q1) What does this code do?

// setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);

A) Nothing, because it is commented out with //.

Q2) Which of these lines causes an error?

String a = "Hello";
String b = " Vinton Cerf";
int c = 55;
a = a + b
c = c + c + 10;
a = a + c;
c = c + a;

A) The fourth line, a = a + b, has no semicolon, so it will cause an error. The last line, c = c + a;, will also cause an error because you cannot assign a string to an int value.

Q3) We talked a lot about operators and how different operators can be used together to build complicated expressions. Expressions, at a glance, can sometimes make code look complicated. However, when looked at closely, they are not as tough as they seem. Usually, it is just a case of splitting the ...

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