Completing Your List Fragment

The ListFragment class displays a list of items by binding to a data source such as an array or a cursor, and it exposes callback methods when the user selects an item. However, to build a list of items to display in a list, you need to add a layout that defines what each row will look like.

A cursor provides random read and write access to the result set that’s returned by a database query.

Add a new layout to the res/layout directory with a root element of TextView, and give it a proper name for a row type of item; for example, reminder_row.xml. Inside this view, type the following code:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>



android:id=”@+id/text1” →4




This code simply defines a row in which text values can be placed with a padding of ten density-independent pixels. Line 4 defines the ID of the view that you need when loading the list with data.

tip.eps The view you added is provided out of the box in the Android system. If you look at the Android documentation under Android.R.layout under simple_list_item_1 and inspect it via the Android source control repository, you can see virtually the same XML definition. The source can be found at ...

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