Chapter 12. My Web Site Is Working!

Turn a Bland Site and Your Internet Presence into a Moneymaker

Your Online Presence Defines You

When prospects or clients search for you and arrive at your web site, do they see what they want to see? Does the content you provide answer their questions and/or exceed their expectations? Most importantly—does it create a connection between the visitor and your firm?

Recent statistics indicate that people form an opinion of a web site in seven seconds, and will decide within that time frame whether to browse within your site—or move on. With this in mind, it is important to have a web site design that downloads quickly, is aesthetically pleasing, and tells users right away what's in it for them. Simply put, your site needs to stop visitors in their tracks.

Your home page specifically needs to attract attention. This is most effective if the site has a clearly stated message specifically for your target market. If you work with clients who are near or at retirement, have boxes they can click on with phrases like, "Important Information to Know Before You Retire," or "Already Retired? Learn the Most Effective Income Preservation Strategies." The visitor will go toward content specifically for them. It's all about benefits, not features.


Take a look at your web site's home page. What benefits are highlighted?





A Site that Takes (and Sells!) the Cake ...

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