
  2. a
  3. absolute index
  4. absolute poverty line
  5. absolute risk aversion
  6. achievement matrix
  7. achievement profile
  8. across-blocks average decomposability
  9. across-periods transfer
  10. across-states nonindividualistic transfer
  11. across-states transfer
  12. adjusted head-count ratio
  13. adjusted poverty line
  14. AELP condition
  15. aggregation
  16. air pollution
  17. Alkire-Foster index
  18. amalgam threshold
  19. antipoverty policy
  20. arithmetic mean
  21. Asia-Pacific region
  22. Atkinson's index
  23. average achievement
  24. average critical levels
  26. b
  27. base indicator
  28. basic opportunity profile
  29. beneficiary period
  30. bequest period
  31. binary variable
  32. bistochastic matrix
  33. block approach
  34. block monotonicity
  35. borderline
  36. boundedness
  37. Bourguignon–Chakravarty
    1. complements index
    2. index
    3. Leontief index
    4. one dimensional transfer
    5. substitutes index
  38. breakpoint
  39. budget majorization
  41. c
  42. calorie consumption
  43. Cameroon
  44. capability approach
  45. capability deprivation
  46. cardinally measurable
  47. categorical/nominal variable
  48. censored income
  49. certainly deprived
  50. Chakravarty index
  51. Chakravarty-Mukherjee-Ranade index
  52. characteristic function
  53. Chile
  54. chronically poor
  55. chronic boundedness
  56. chronic continuity
  57. chronic dimensional monotonicity
  58. chronic duration monotinicity
  59. chronic head-count ratio
  60. chronic monotonicity in threshold limits
  61. chronic population replication invariance
  62. chronic poverty axiom
  63. chronic ratio-scale invariance
  64. chronic strong focus
  65. chronic strong ratio-scale invariance
  66. chronic subgroup decomposability
  67. chronic transfer
  68. chronic weak focus
  69. circumstantial opportunity
  70. closeness approach
  71. Cobb–Douglas ...

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