13.5 Hamming Polynomials

Brešar et al. introduced in [16] the Hamming polynomial h(G) of a graph G as the Hamming subgraph counting polynomial. More precisely, the Hamming polynomial of a graph G is defined as


where α(G; r2, r3,..., rω) denotes the number of induced subgraphs of G isomorphic to the Hamming graph Kr22imagesKr33images... imagesKrωω, and ω = ω(G), where ω ω(G) denotes the clique number of G.

Cube polynomials are therefore only special case of Hamming polynomials, since c(G, x) = Σr2≥0 α(G; r2)xr22.

Before defining the derivatives of a Hamming polynomial, we first define a relation on the set of all complete subgraphs of G on k vertices, denoted by Kk(G). Complete subgraphs X, Y ∈Kk(G) on vertices x1,..., xk and y1,..., yk, respectively, are in relation ~k if the notation of vertices can be chosen in such a way that there exists an integer p such that d(xi, yj)= p+1 for ij, and d (xi, yi)= p. Relation ~k is an equivalence relation on Kk(G) for a partial Hamming graph, see [21]. Moreover, if G is a partial Hamming graph, then 2 ≤ k ≤ ω, and E is an equivalence class of relation ~k, then ...

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