
A-Station 221–2, 251

Ableton Live 245

abstract sound programming 181–90

Access 267, 307

analog revival 199–200, 208–10, 213, 216, 222

Oberheim Programmer 72

techno-pop programmers 164–5

virtual analog programming 231–7, 240, 243

Ace Electronics 88

additive synthesis 6–7

addresses 300–1

AdrenaLinn 220

ADSR see attack, decay, sustain and release

Aelita 127

aftertouch sensitivity 277

Akai 68, 109–10, 204, 255

AKS 65, 66–7

Alcantara, Burt 133

Alesis 215, 216, 222, 267

Alexander, Larry 135

Alpha Juno 1 and 2 94–5, 263

Altair 127

AM see amplitude modulation

ambient music 196, 294–5

Amdek effects units 112

AMP Music ix, 298–9

amplitude modulation (AM) 24

amplitude (volume) 2, 3–4, 12–13

Analog Factory 248

analog revival xiii, 194–229

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