P12.3. Opamp Oscillator


Use R1 = R3 from the integrator.

Make Rfosc = R1 = R3 and use Cf from the integrator.

Tosc ≈ 2.2RfoscCf (12.26)

Note that Tosc is about ½ of the design Tmax from the integrator or about 50 ms.


  • Turn off the power supply to reconnect the circuit into the oscillator configuration. Note the connection of Chan1_in, which measures the capacitor voltage.
  • The main VI, Oscillator.vi(below), contains subVI’s CountCycles.vi and T.vi.CountCycles.vi determines the number of cycles in the oscillator output data array (Chan0_in) by checking for sign changes. It then increases or decreases the sample rate (for a ...

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