9.3. Differential Amplifier Balancing Circuit

The principle of the balancing of the differential-amplifier stage (e.g., in an opamp) is often based on a circuit similar to that in Fig. 9.2, as shown in Fig. 9.5. Imbalance could be due, for example, to Vtpo1 ≠ Vtpo2 and kp1 ≠ kp2. Balancing is implemented by adjusting R1 ≠ R2, where R1 = RS1//Rx and R2 = RS2||Ry.

Figure 9.5. Balancing circuit. Voltage VD2 is controlled by selecting the relative values of Rx and Ry.

The relationship among the currents, parameters, and resistors is obtained by writing the loop equation around the source resistors and the gate – source terminals, which is

Equation ...

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