
At this point in time, nearly 10 years after the first TTCN-3 core language standard was published and 5 years after the first version of this book appeared it seems the right moment to bring out a new revised and extended version. In this second version of the book we have integrated the 4000+ change requests that have been added to the language since the first version of the book came out. In addition we have added a new chapter on testing frameworks and a new chapter explaining LTE [1] testing using TTCN-3.

Looking back over the 10 years, I feel somewhat like a parent to the language. I was there all those years ago at its inception and I look back to those early days with nostalgia and affection. It was a pleasure to work in that small focused team at ETSI trying to define and develop a global testing language. Like any child we had high hopes for TTCN-3, but also great uncertainty of whether it would ever match those hopes and aspirations. After the first standards were published, there followed a hectic period of dissemination and one important milestone following another. The official TTCN-3 launch event, the first commercial TTCN-3 tool set, the TT-Medal European project, the first TTCN-3 book, the further development and maintenance of the language at ETSI. I had the pleasure of leading or involvement in all these development steps along the way.

Now, 10 years later the TTCN-3 language has grown, both in terms of use and functionality to become a global testing ...

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