Aitkin, M., 155, 185

Akritas, M. G., 158, 182, 185

Altman D. G., 182, 185

Ambroise, C., 38, 40, 71

Andersen, P. K., 182, 185

Anderson, T. W., 129, 131

Angus, J. E., 3, 25, 27, 200, 201

Arcones, M. A., 3, 27

Athreya, K. B., 3, 25, 27, 141, 142, 192, 200, 201

Babu, G. J., 9, 27, 95, 98

Bahadur, R., 77, 98

Bai, Z. D., 130, 132

Banks, D. L., 138, 142

Bartlett, M. S., 182, 185

Basawa, I. V., 129, 131

Basford, K., 155157, 182, 185, 188

Bates, D. M., 61, 68, 73

Bedrick, E. J., 139, 142

Beran, R. J., 2, 27, 95, 96, 98, 109, 111, 142, 198, 200, 201

Berg, A., 41, 75

Bernardo, J. M., 168, 185

Bernards, R. 40, 75

Bibby, J. M., 182, 188

Bickel, P. J., 2, 3, 25, 27, 54, 68, 71, 140142, 177, 185, 191194, 196, 198201, 203

Billard, L., 74, 146, 147, 157, 200

Bloomfield, P., 127, 129, 131

Boersma, J. T., 42, 75

Bollen, K. A., 69, 71

Bollerslev, T., 115, 131

Bonura, C. A., 42, 75

Booth, J. G., 200, 201

Bose, A., 119, 123, 129, 131

Box, G. E. P., 113, 114, 118, 129, 132

Braga-Neta, U. M., 38, 71, 72

Branson, M., 108, 111

Braun, W. J., 129, 132

Breiman, L., 8, 39, 6567, 73, 74

Bremaud, P., 174, 183

Bretagnolle, J., 155, 157

Bretz, F., 108, 111

Brillinger, D. R., 127, 128, 129, 132

Brockwell, P. J., 118, 129, 132

Brownstone, D., 69, 74

Bruce, P., 2, 29

Bühlmann, P., 130, 132

Burzykowski, T., 75

Butler, R. W., 200, 201

Cao-Abad, R., 69, 74

Carlstein, E., 123, 129, 133

Carroll, R. J., 38, 57, 71, 72

Carter, E. M., 34, 78

Chang, M., 108, 112

Chatterjee, S., 2, 36, 68, 71, 129, 132

Chen, ...

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