SOAP Web Services

Working with SOAP is quite a bit different from working with XML/HTTP because it involves sending and receiving structured messages. Instead of creating requests yourself as a URL, requests are made via XML messages. Here’s a typical SOAP request to retrieve a book’s details with its ASIN:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" [RETURN]
  <namesp1:AsinSearchRequest xmlns:namesp1="urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService">
    <AsinSearchRequest xsi:type="m:AsinRequest">
      <tag>insert associate tag</tag> 
      <dev-tag>insert developer token</dev-tag> 

You’ll notice that although SOAP uses the same bits of information you use when requesting data via the URL-based XML/HTTP method, it wraps the request in substantial structure. Generating these XML requests “by hand” each time you need one would be time consuming; instead, there are packages (typically called SOAP toolkits) in every programming language that do the heavy lifting for you. These toolkits provide a simple interface ...

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