Creating an ECS cluster

Having configured the prerequisites, next we shall create an ECS Fargate cluster. Run the following command in PowerShell to create a cluster:

esc-cli up

As the command output indicates, a cluster gets created using the cluster configuration set up earlier. A VPC and two subnets also get created:

PS C:\PowerShell> ecs-cli up←[36mINFO←[0m[0002] Created cluster ←[36mcluster←[0m=hello-world ←[36mregion←[0m=us-east-1←[36mINFO←[0m[0003] Waiting for your cluster resources to be created...←[36mINFO←[0m[0004] Cloudformation stack status ←[36mstackStatus←[0m=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS←[36mINFO←[0m[0065] Cloudformation stack status ←[36mstackStatus←[0m=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS VPC created: vpc-6e021915 Subnet created: subnet-2c02dd4b Subnet ...

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