An alternative to these low-level do-it-yourself tools is the concurrency platform—this is a software that allows coordination, scheduling, and management of multicore resources. Examples of concurrency platforms include [55]

  • .NET ThreadingPool class [56]
  • message-passing libraries such as message passing interface (MPI) [57]
  • data-parallel programming languages such as NESL [58], Ct from RapidMind/Intel [59];
  • task parallel libraries such as Intel’s Threading Building Blocks (TBB) [60], Microsoft’s Task Parallel Library (TPL) [61], and Microsoft’s Concurrency Runtime; and
  • extensions to programming languages such as OpenMP [51], Cilk++ [50], C++ [62], and Microsoft’s Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) [63].

In the following sections, we illustrate using concurrency platforms.

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