
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


acceptDigit event, 125, 128
acceptGo event, 125
accuracy, 357–358
AcquiringSatellites, 250–251
Action pin, 125
Actions, 123–130, 131
Active project risk management, 59–61
Activities, 123–130
Activity diagram, 93, 94–95, 123–130, 142
subtle semantics, 128–130
Activity final, 126
ActivityEdge, 91
Actors, 157–158
Aggregation, 110–111
Agile methods, 43–46
application to systems engineering, 48–53
constant verification, 51
continuous integration, 51–52
dynamic planning, 49–50
frequent validation, 53
incremental engineering, 48–49
project risk reduction, 50–51
use case 1: finding tracks in airspace, 52
use case 1: periodic built in test (PBIT), performing, ...

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