

accuracy, 158

activities in methodology, 151

Actors-Goals list, 160

ad hoc methodologies, 264-266


adapting methodologies with reflection workshops, 228-239

adaptive processes, 266-267, 383

Adaptive Software Development, 78, 369, 381

Agile Alliance, 369-370

Agile Development Conference (ADC), 25, 332-334, 384

Agile Interaction Design, 357

agile processes

center of, 304

How agile are you?, 304-307

introducing, 306-310, 319-325

limitations of, 332-334

misconstruing, 244-261, 433-434

“Architecture is dead,” 250-252

“Agile teams must be colocated,” 246-247

“Agile development is low discipline,” 254-257

“Agile only works with the best developers,” 257-260

“Agile teams don’t need plans,” 247-249

“We don’t need no *%@! Managers,” ...

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