8.1 Activity: +/Delta

Use this to close an iteration, release, or project retrospective.


To retrospect on the retrospective and identify strengths and improvements.

Time Needed

Ten to twenty minutes, depending on the size of the group.


The team identifies strengths (do more of) and changes for the next retrospective.

Figure 20. +/Delta is a simple way to improve your retrospectives


  1. Introduce the activity by saying, “Before we finish, let’s identify what we want to keep and what we want to change for our next retrospective.”

  2. Draw a T on a piece of flip chart paper (cf. Figure 20, +/Delta is a simple way to improve your retrospectives). Announce the timebox (five to fifteen minutes).

  3. Ask the group to shout out strengths and changes. Capture them verbatim. Stop when the ideas stop flowing, or at the end of the timebox. Wait a few seconds. Often the best ideas come after the silence.

  4. Thank the group for their candid feedback. Compare the list to those from (recent) previous retrospectives to see whether there are patterns.

Materials and Preparation

Flip chart paper or a white board. Markers.


As retrospective leaders we seek to improve our own methods and skills at leading retrospectives. So we ask for feedback from the group. Two thoughts:

  • Delta is the Greek alphabet symbol for change. +/Delta (what worked well ...

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