
95 mile-per-hour art, 143, 228


Abnormal termination. See Sprint resets

Accuracy, of estimations, 113


about, 13, 210–220

agile manifesto, 13

art and audio, 223–233

benefits for game development, 20–28

bibliography, 32, 221, 233, 247, 263

budgets, 231

collaboration, 232

concerns about, 225

contracts, 293–300

debugging, 216

design, 235–247

distributed teams, 183–187

leadership, 226

“not done yet” syndrome, 230

planning, 107–124

postmortems, 14–20

problems, 205–209, 223, 236

production, 259–262

projects, 28–31

publishers, 283, 289

QA, 228, 249–259

values applied to game development, 24–28

Analogy, in estimations, 114

Apprentice stage, Scrum adoption, 302–306

Apprentice teams, sprints, 307, 311

Arcade games, game development process, ...

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