
Writing a book requires very serious support from family members, and we’d like to thank them—especially our children, who got used to the idea that after coming home from work, dads still had to be glued to those computers to work on some boring technical book.

We’d like to thank all the members of the Flex community who appreciated our work in the past and encouraged us to continue sharing every little bit of knowledge we’ve gained.

We are grateful to the excellent software engineers from the Adobe Flex team, who put their trust in our ability to write such a complex and advanced book. Our special thanks to one unknown member of the Flex team who allegedly said during the book approval process something like, “I don’t agree with many of the things that these authors write about Flex, and I’d rather not approve them, but I will because there are not many people in the industry who are capable of writing such a book.” We don’t know your name, but we consider this assessment to be the best compliment we’ve received so far.

Our praise goes to the cover designers, who correctly visualized the authors of this book without ever seeing them.

We’d like to thank Aliaksandr Yuzafovich for his research and contribution to the data synchronization solution described in Chapter 9.

Our hats off to Linda Laflamme, an excellent development editor from O’Reilly. After reading some of her comments, we had the feeling that she understands technical materials better than we do.

And mainly, we thank you, our readers, for reading this book.

—Yakov Fain, Victor Rasputnis, and Anatole Tartakovsky

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